The services we offer:

Compass Scan
$ 0.00Normally, taking just 15 minutes, this device provides a personalized synopsis of what is happening at a cellular level within your body at that very moment. During this assessment, you lay your hand on a cradle which measures 75 different bio markers in the body and fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. In a process called a bio-survey, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a response indicating a biological preference for the item assessed. Knowing biological preferences helps individuals to make better choices in their supplements.

Foot Spa Detox
$ 0.00A relaxing therapeutic foot spa with exceptional benefits. This is most commonly done in conjunction with a Compass Scan and Health Assessment and can generally be completed within one and a half hours. Foot Spa alone takes one hour. I use the B.E.S.T. Energy Ionic Foot Bath , the highest performing ionic foot spa available, which utilizes aircraft quality grade parts to boost bodily energy, allowing the body to reach its full potential. Positive and negative energy fields are transferred into the water and the body absorbs that energy, providing pure, clean energy, identical to the human body's needs which may be used by the body to detox and cleanse. This process occurs on three levels: through the colon, urinary system and skin, respectively. The energy received by the body from this machine may result in boosting live blood cell levels and may decrease symptoms of health challenges.